• Post category:Uncategorized


“Loaded” Trees and Tree Falling
Aerial Thermal Imaging Platforms and UAS’s in Law Enforcement and the Private Sector
Avoiding Aversion
New Technology In Logging
Below The Hook
Beyond HAZWOPER Communication on Contaminated Sites 2018 Shonnessy Gilmore
Confined Space Awareness & Updates
Conflict De-escalation That Works Curt Dooley
Cool Tools: Making Work Easier and Handout
Coordinating Readiness for Emerging Special Pathogens Arguinchona, Christa L and Zimmerman
Creating Effective Safety Presentations
Creating The Age Friendly Workplace Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 4 and Part 5
Defensive Driving
Drones: Practical Applications for Local Government
Drug Recognition in the Workplace
Excavation & Trenching In Agriculture
Expert Panel Discussion: Emerging Issues and Trends in Workplace Safety & Health
Finding the Truth Among the Vapors
Getting it Right incident analysis Joe Estey (3 Hour Session 1:30 – 4:30)
Greenbean Leadership – Presented By Bill Sims
Hearing Conservation 1 Noise Thermometer_Final_English
How Safety Professionals Can Influence a Learning Organization, Part 2 and Part 3
How Social Media Can Help Save Lives
How Safety Professionals Can Influence a Learning Organization Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3
How to Evaluate Online Safety Training Solutions for your Organization and Worksheet
Influenza in the Workplace Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
It’s Not Just a Concussion Ramona Pinto
Leading Edge Fall Protection
Mental Kinetics GISHC 2018
NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Douglas Trout and Kendra Broadwater
No Further Harm: Ending Predictable Violence and Preventable Accidents
Nodding Off Leigh Manning Saif
Occupational Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures: Disease Trends and Prevention Strategies
Overhead Crane Daily Inspection Bacheller Robinson Marczynski
Overview of NIOSH Spokane Research Lab as a Resource for Worker Safety & Health   
Participatory Ergonomics: Custodians and Janitors
Practical Strategies for Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls Leigh Manning
Preventing Sexual Harassment – As An Active Bystander
Reduce the Risk of a Chain Shot Event
Respirators – Reality, Myths, and Misconceptions
Rigging Robinson, Bacheller, Marczynski
Safety and Health Investment Projects (SHIP) Grant Program
Safety in Every Task Conducting Multi-Layered Risk Predictions Bob Toohey Ryan Goodspeed
Safety Info Telecom High Voltage Rod Julian and Dick Maxwell
START Teri Neeley
A series of Yellow lights GISH Joe Estey
Shop Safety
Silica Rule Updates 2018
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) Safety
State of Safety Graduates with College Degrees_ Sathy Rajendran
Suicide Prevention Presentation Luxton and Mony
Supervising For Safety Shamus Harmon
Support and Resources for Building Resilience
Tactical Communications
Take Courage Coaching
The Basics of Lockout Tagout Part 1 of 2 The Basics of Lockout Tagout Part 2 of 2
The Positive Impact of Injury Prevention Claim Management Jay Doughty
The Professional Driver
Third Party Logging Safety Audits
Traffic Control Inside the Construction Site
Transforming a Safety Culture through Storytelling
Violent Intruder Preparation, Intervention, and Response